Beatles news from Steve Marinucci, a journalist with over three decades of experience in the newspaper business and a contributing writer to Billboard and and host of the Beatles News Briefs podcast heard regularly on, iTunes and Fab 4
Friday, January 31, 2014
More 'Beatles Bootleg Recordings' likely; Ringo recording new album
Petition asks President Obama to recognize Beatles 50th anniversary
A petition now on the White House website asks President Obama to recognize the Beatles' 50th anniversary.
The text reads, "We petition the Obama Administration to recognize the Beatles' 50th anniversary of their arrival in the U.S.on 2/9/1964. They changed our lives with their music.
"President Obama, in a speech honoring Paul McCartney, said the Beatles "blew the walls down for everybody else. In a few short years, they had changed the way that we listened to music, thought about music and performed music forever. They helped to lay the soundtrack for an entire generation -- an era of endless possibility and of great change." That continues to be true today. They deserve to be honored by the president for the wonderful music and the positive effects their music has had on America and the world."